SMBX2mx3 is a preview build of SMBX2b4, with a mostly complete feature-set, that’s a little rough around the edges. The specifications of the software can be found in the handbook included in the download. The build’s primary purpose is for it to be used by the MAGLX3 Level Contest, hence mx3. You can download SMBX2mx3 here and, if you’re reading this before the contest deadline, you can sign up to MAGLX3 here. Below is an abridged list of changes and new additions. If you find a bug, please report it in this topic, and we’ll see to get it fixed for SMBX2b4’s release.
Throughout these lists, the most important features are bolded.
- The default format for level files is now .lvlx.
- Lunadll.lua and Lunaworld.lua have been standardized to luna.lua for both. The old names still work.
- Lunaoverworld.lua has been simplified to map.lua. The old name still works.
- Characters removed: Juni, Princess Rinka
- Certain Character Demo Stages are being recreated.
- Tweaks to Uncle Broadsword and Bowser to improve game feel
- Wario has received a redesign. Go give him a try!
- Mega Man now sports his 16-bit look by default.
- Removed unnecessary costumes.
- Revamped Mario Challenge aesthetic
- The amount of built-in episodes has been reduced to decrease package size.
- All sprites now use .png by default. Gif files are still compatible, but will also still need masks.
- Updated visuals of sizeables and the SMB3 cave tileset.
- Tileset Itemboxes in the Editor have gotten a facelift.
- The Testing Menu has been enhanced.
Out-Of-The-Box Additions
These features will not require a single line of lua.
- The ID range of 751-1000 for Blocks, BGOs, NPCs and Effects are available for personal use. Read more about this feature and “NPC Duplication” in the handbook.
- BGOs, Backgrounds and Effects now have configuration support. Specifications can be found in the handbook.
- Added various new NPC codes.
- Added hundreds of new Blocks and NPCs, dozens of new Effects and BGOs, and some Backgrounds.
- Two-Way Warps in the Editor work.
- Legacy libraries now throw a warning when used and will be removed in Beta 5 or later
LunaLua Additions
These features require at least one line of lua.
- Using loadscreen.lua you can now customize loading screens for your episode.
- The Data class has been deprecated. Save data handling is now done through the global tables SaveData and GameData.
- You can now write and use shaders using GLSL and the openGL drawing functions.
- Using map3d.lua you can make your world map render in a 3D style.
- You can add a darkness effect to your level using darkness.lua
- Lineguides have been enhanced and you can add your own NPCs to the list of lineguided NPCs.
- Orbits.lua lets you create NPCs moving around an anchor in a circular motion.
- Switchcolors.lua lets you define your own switch colours.
- Timer.lua is the timer library used by basegame elements. Enabling it activates the Green Berry NPC’s function, too.
- Actorclass.lua lets you create actors for cutscenes.
- Animatx2.lua makes complex animation cycles easier.
- Click.lua lets you handle mouse input.
- Handycam.lua helps with complex camera control.
- Pblock.lua exists, serving as a mirror to pnpc.lua, just for blocks.
- Textplus.lua is the replacement to textblox.lua
- Lib3d.lua is a 3D renderer for levels, allowing for levels with 3D visuals.
- Spline.lua lets you create and make objects move along splines.